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Project Centaurus #90418778 (Era 1/4)[]

Sylvie is a 11-year-old girl from Paris, France, She are driving her own spaceship and she are traveling to Stephenson 2-18, an red hypergiant star in the Stephenson 2 open cluster, It's size was 2,158 times large as the sun

June 30, AD 3162, Sylvie and her father has reached the Stephenson 2 open cluster, this open cluster contains 26 red supergiant star, "Wow, the star cluster have 26 red supergiant stars, and these stars are so big!", Sylvie and her father said

July 3, AD 3162, Sylvie and her father has reached the red supergiant star Stephenson 2-18, and Stephenson 2-18's radius was about 10 astronomical units, if Stephenson 2-18 was placed into center of the solar system, that It's will engulf everything inside Saturn's orbit

this time, the distance between Sylvie's spaceship and Stephenson 2-18 was only about 4 million kilometres, and Stephenson 2-18's surface temperature was 2,927 °C, if Sylvie's spaceship gets closer to Stephenson 2-18, that Sylvie's spaceship will be engulfed and destroyed by the red supergiant star, to protect her spaceship, Sylvie's father has enabled spaceship heat shield to prevent Sylvie's spaceship to be destroyed by the red supergiant star

this time, Sylvie thinks that interstellar laser can causing an red supergiant star to explode into an supernovae, "I'm thinks that I'm can uses interstellar laser cannon and aim at Stephenson 2-18 to causing the star to explode into an supernovae", Sylvie said, "No, Sylvie, please you don't shoot the red supergiant star with interstellar laser cannon, if you has shooted an red supergiant star with an beam of interstellar laser, that the red supergiant will explode into an supernovae, and our spaceship will be destroyed from an supernovae explosion", Sylvie's father warns her, "Okay, I'm thinks interstellar laser can causing an red supergiant star to explode into an supernovae, so, I'm will not to shoot an red supergiant with interstellar laser cannon, Because the supernovae explosion will destroy our spaceship", Sylvie said