Subscribers, also known as Subs, are particularly valued by Exodus3000. This is because they are the primary source of revenue to pay for cashouts. Accordingly, being a subscriber grants a player many benefits.
Immediate Benefits[]
These benefits become active immediately after the subscription has been applied
- Access to full activity log.
- Access to full Hall of Fame listings.
- Ability to use No Eruptions cards.
- Survival Packs are no longer necessary to retain position after reset.
- Return to Homestead becomes free.
- Go To Store becomes free. (This option will only be available if you have completed the Store missions)
- Highlighting mark in the in-game chat.
- Unlimited Dig For Treasure opportunities at a discount of 250 Ð per dig.
One Month Benefits[]
These benefits become active after one month of continuous subscription.
- 1 free Homestead Move on request
Three Month Benefits[]
These benefits become active after three months of continuous subscription.
- 1 free Cashout Card on request
- 1 free Homestead Move per month on request
Exodus3000 | |
Statistics | Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity |
In-game Elements | Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals |
In-game Terrain Types | Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks |
In-game Locations | Mars | Phobos |
Rules and Regulations | Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals |
Official Website | Official site |