Exodus3000 Wiki

Items on the 'Purchases' page of the official site can be purchased with real money with the intention of benefiting the player. PayPal and personal check are accepted.

Since there are no plans for a game reset, the items purchased will benefit the player for a period of time.

Purchasing Moves[]

Moves cost $0.01 for each of the first 500, and are $0.005 more for each additional move over 500 purchased. These moves are anytime moves, which can be used at anytime and are not affected by the daily move reset.

Experience Points[]

While playing the game, you will earn experience points for completing missions. These experience points can be used for a discount of up to 20% on all purchases of moves, radar upgrades, and homestead moves. The amount you need is calculated by taking 10% of the total of experience points available. For that amount of experience points, you get a 10% discount on your purchase. If you have enough, you can get up to 20% off!

You can see the number of experience points you have on the Purchases page.

Premium Membership[]

Premium Memberships grants the player access to the complete Hall of Fame (HoF can be found on the game's homepage, on the left hand side menu) and their personal activity log (also on the left hand side menu), plus the ability to use "No Eruptions" cards. A useful and favorable bonus is that Premium Memberships lets the player start off the next day where they stopped at the previous day. This potentially lets the player earn even more Mars Dollars than what free members can obtain. The player can also purchase more moves along with the Premium Membership for $0.06 per move (weekly membership) or $0.02 per move (monthly membership). These moves reset every day, meaning that if one pays $2.95 for a weekly membership, then that player will be given an extra 50 moves a day. The moves are subject to the daily reset.

Premium Memberships (weekly) cost $1.95 per week plus $0.06 per move.

Premium Memberships (monthly) cost $7.99 per month plus $0.02 per move.

Homestead Move[]

For $6.95, the player may move their homestead to any sector of the world map of their choice. The outer sectors (ones that are touching the perimeter of the world map) are technically reserved for those who purchase homestead moves. Coordinates are possibly random. Useful if the player is bombarded by stronger players on a daily basis, and the outer sectors can hold ungoverned settlements which you can easily takeover.

Purchase Radar Upgrade[]

Simply purchase a radar upgrade for a price. Radars have been said to increase the amount of daily Mars Dollar income the player gets. See Radar for prices.

Statistics Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity
In-game Elements Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals
In-game Terrain Types Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks
In-game Locations Mars | Phobos
Rules and Regulations Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals
Official Website Official site