Exodus3000 Wiki


The smaller, closer moon of Mars. This moon will be the setting of the upcoming Moon Expansion.

The initial results from probes sent to Phobos by Central Trading, have indicated traces of the mineral Aragonite. Aragonite forms naturally in almost all mollusc shells, and as the calcareous endoskeleton of warm- and cold-water corals. In some molluscs, the entire shell is aragonite, in others, aragonite forms only discrete parts of a bimineralic shell.

Aragonite also forms in the ocean and in caves as inorganic precipitates called marine cements and speleothems, respectively

The crystal forms that have been found are distinctively different from those of inorganic aragonite.

The nacreous layer of the aragonite fossil shells forms an iridescent material called ammolite; ammolite is primarily aragonite with impurities that make it iridescent and valuable as a gemstone.

Following a meteor impact with Phobos small amounts of the minerals Ricawsomite, Ofalateum Malfesium Alanthium and Plesium have landed on Mars as debris.

Recent Phobos landing missions have returned an impressive array of lunar rocks as well as other kinds of meteoric material. This unique resource led to an unprecedented barrage of geologic studies at the Noachis Institutes Geological Evaluation Laboratory designed to characterize and define the composition and structure of minerals in these specimens.

Studies of the minerals have provided valuable insights that have helped to unlock the petrogenesis of extraterrestrial rocks.

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In-game Locations Mars | Phobos
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