Exodus3000 Wiki

Outposts can be found often in the game map. When the player finds one, he can purchase weapons, defense, intelligence, security, and radar upgrades for a price.

As the player purchases more upgrades, the more costly the upgrade will be. For example, a level 1 upgrade may cost a mere 200 MD, while a level 6 upgrade will cost 2000 MD. The price increases for every category as upgrades in the same category are purchased. For example, if the player has level 4 defense and level 5 weapon, and has enough Mars Dollars to purchase the level 6 weapon upgrade and decides to, the weapon upgrade price will increase while the level 4 defense upgrade price stays the same.

Statistics Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity
In-game Elements Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals
In-game Terrain Types Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks
In-game Locations Mars | Phobos
Rules and Regulations Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals
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