Exodus3000 Wiki
Exodus3000 Wiki

There are thirty different levels of Intelligence in Exodus3000 and each level is represented by a number of scouts. Intelligence is used to evaluate a homestead or settlement's defense level.

Level Cost *****Description***** ___ Level Cost *****Description*****
1 250 Mars Rover 16 15900 Satellite Array
2 400 GPS Locator 17 21000 Nano Surveillance
3 500 Invisible Cloak 18 24900 Lucid Paladin
4 700 Silent Sniffer 19 35000 Mega Panoply
5 1000 Marian Foresight 20 50000 Covert Overkill
6 2200 Stealthoscope 21 50000 Martian Mole
7 3125 Tanometer 22 50000 Firebrand
8 3750 Nanites 23 50000 Vast Shadow
9 5375 X-Intelligence 24 50000 Lucent Sleeper
10 7250 Intelligence Boost 25 50000 Battle Acumen
11 7950 Spy Drone 26 50000 Epic Brilliance
12 8525 Macro Mirror 27 50000 Wit of Phobos
13 9125 Spy Satellite 28 50000 Psychometric Eye
14 10375 Neural Capacitor 29 50000 Compass of Mind
15 11375 Solarscope 30 50000 Eye of Marineris


When scouting a homestead or settlement, the Intelligence level of the attacker is compared to the security level of the defender. Which ever level is higher wins; if the attacker's Intelligence level is higher than the defender's security level, the defender's defense level is revealed. If the attacker's Intelligence level is lower than the defender's security level, the defender's defense level remains a secret.

If both Intelligence and security levels are evenly matched, the winner is randomly determined.

Statistics Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity
In-game Elements Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals
In-game Terrain Types Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks
In-game Locations Mars | Phobos
Rules and Regulations Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals
Official Website Official site