Exodus3000 Wiki

Fermium is an element with the symbol Fm and atomic number 100. A highly radioactive metallic transuranic element of the actinide series, fermium is named after nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi. Fermium is the eighth transuranic element


Only small amounts of fermium have been found. Thus, relatively little is known about its chemical properties. Only the (III) oxidation state of the element appears to exist in aqueous solution. 254Fm and heavier isotopes can be synthesized by intense neutron bombardment of lighter elements (especially uranium and plutonium). During this, successive neutron captures mixed with beta decays build the fermium isotope. The intense neutron bombardment conditions needed to create fermium exist in thermonuclear explosions. The synthesis of element 102 (nobelium) was confirmed when 250Fm was chemically identified. Fermium is extremely radioactive and highly toxic.

17 radioisotopes of fermium have been characterized, with the most stable being 257Fm with a half-life of 100.5 days, 253Fm with a half-life of 3 days, 252Fm with a half-life of 25.39 hours, and 255Fm with a half-life of 20.07 hours. All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 5.4 hours, and the majority of these have half-lives that are less than 3 minutes. This element also has 1 meta state, 250mFm (t½ 1.8 seconds). The isotopes of fermium range in atomic weight from 242.073 u (242Fm) to 259.101 u (259Fm).


The base value of each unit of ranges between 40 and 90Ð per unit, with up to 3 units being found at any one time.

Presence on Mars: Very Rare

Martian Minerals
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group 5 | Group 6
Group 5 |Americium | Anthraximite | Areanetium Dieinsteinium | Areanetium Ferrocrete | Areanetium Mendelite | Berkelium | Bohrium | |Californium | Curium | Darmstadtium | Einsteinium | Fermium | Fermium Hasside | Ferro-plat Alloy | Hassium | Lawrencium | |Meitnerium | Meitnerium Golgathide | Mendelevium | Neptunium | Nobelium | Plutonium | Roentgenium | Seaborgium | |Transuranic Alloblast |