In Exodus3000, a player may redeem their Mars Dollars for real cash at any time when they own a Cashout Card. The amount given is determined by the exchange rate posted on the site. The cash is sent to a PayPal account.
How to Obtain a Cashout Card[]
- Found by digging (after daily moves are complete)
- Given out to subscribers after having been subscribed for a total of three months (beginning October 1st, 2007)
- Given out to players who spend a total of $100 in the game during any time period, be it moves, radar upgrades, whatever. Every $100 spent entitles you to another Cashout Card.
- Certain missions
Cashout Rules[]
- The minimum cash out is $1 USD.
- When non-subscribers cash out, all upgrades are set to zero, and all cards are removed. (Radar level will not be reduced during cash out.)
- When subscribers cash out, all upgrades are either cut in half or reduced to level 10, whichever is lower, and all cards are removed. This only applies to players who have been subscribed for greater than one month.
- Cashout cards may NOT be traded.
- To request a cashout, send an email to
See also the official site's payout section
Exodus3000 | |
Statistics | Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity |
In-game Elements | Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals |
In-game Terrain Types | Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks |
In-game Locations | Mars | Phobos |
Rules and Regulations | Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals |
Official Website | Official site |