Exodus3000 Wiki
Exodus3000 Wiki

Cashouts are currently suspended

New sliding cashout as of 6/5/2008

In Exodus3000, a player may redeem their Mars Dollars for real cash at any time when they own a Cashout Card. The amount given is determined by your upgrades, for each upgrade you are given 1 stat point.

Your stat points are based on Weapons, Defense, Intelligence and Security, your radar doesn't count.

The following applies to how much cash you will get upon cashout!

Less than 40 stat points the rate is 1,000,000 MD = $20
41-49 rate is 800,000 MD = $20
50-59 rate is 600,000 MD = $20
60-69 rate is 500,000 MD = $20
70-79 rate is 400,000 MD = $20
80+ rate is 300,000 MD = $20

So if you have the following stats you would get the rate of 800,000 MD = $20.
Weapons level: 11
Defense level: 10
Intelligence level: 10
Security level 10:

There is also no upgrade limit you can use for stat points, so you can just build on Weapons and Defence or all to gain you desired rate.

The cash is sent to a PayPal account.

It should be noted that there is a significant delay in processing a payout request, but all valid payout requests will be honored. The quickest way to ensure that we get the money needed to process payouts is to buy subscriptions or extra moves.

Cashout Rules

  • The minimum cash out is $1 USD.
  • When non-subscribers cash out, all upgrades are set to zero, and all cards are removed. (Radar level will not be reduced during cash out.)
  • When subscribers cash out, all upgrades are either cut in half or reduced to level 10, whichever is lower, and all cards are removed. This only applies to players who have been subscribed for greater than three months.
  • Players will not lose any of the Anytime moves they have accumulated.

Cashout cards can no longer be traded between players but you can now exchange those cards in any time warp. You can get a Cashout card by digging in Ruins, completing a specific mission, or being a subscriber for 6 continuos months or more and requesting one.

  • To request a cashout, send an email to admins@exodus3000.com or for faster service post in the Payouts section of the forum.

Statistics Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity
In-game Elements Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals
In-game Terrain Types Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks
In-game Locations Mars | Phobos
Rules and Regulations Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals
Official Website Official site